AGAT Films & Cie / EX NIHILO

Notes on Blindness

VR Experience


Presented by le Jardin de réalité-virtuelle du centre Phi.
Notes on Blindness VR
, by Colinart, La Burthe, Middleton and Spinney is an interactive virtual reality experience accompanying the eponymous documentary produced by Ex Nihilo, ARTE France and AudioGaming, in co-production with Archer’s Mark. Notes on Blindness was supported by the TFI New Media Fund and the Ford Foundation - JustFilms, the National Cinema and Animated Picture Center (CNC) and the Midi-Pyrénées Region.
AGAT Films & Cie / EX NIHILO is a Paris-based collective consisting of eight associate producers. The company’s founding ethos allows it to maintain a balance between the collective and the individual, allowing freedom for each filmmaker to develop, produce and promote their work according to their own vision, but with the creative and financial security offered by a collective structure. Our output always expresses our belief that the cultural value of filmmaking must not be defined solely by market forces. We staunchly defend the value of public television, which we believe is the best guarantor of artistic creation, and of the renewal of its forms and talents. We apply this philosophy to all of our work, from cinema and television to new media – and likewise to fiction just as much as documentary and the performing arts. This allows us to spread the risks inherent in our roles as producers. AGAT believes that the arrival of digital technology and the fragmentation of the broadcasting model places ever greater importance on the creation of the kind of distinctive, high-quality producer-driven work in which the company specializes
Artist: Amaury La Burthe & Arnaud Colinart
Produced by: AGAT films & CIE / EX NIHILO production in co-production with ARCHER’S MARK, ARTE FRANCE. EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION BY AUDIOGAMING