Collectif Correct




Collectif correct is a multidisciplinary collective; we curate our own work with a juxtaposition of illustrations, photography, writings in zines and prints. We want to transcend to paper things that are primarily felt or captured in rough/first draft sketches, untouched/unmodified pictures with 35 mm cameras, and deconstruct the unwritten rules of aesthetics.
schadenfreude is a series of illustrations and analogue photographs inspired by the German term that translate as: “taking pleasure from the misfortune of others.” We take joy in seeing misfortune in others because of this image we have built of ourselves to be perfectly manicured and stylized, like how we present ourselves on social media. The biggest fear of our generation is a public humiliation, or one that we cannot avoid others from seeing. We are thus partially responsible for this cycle, since this is what we consume massively in the media. This pleasure at others’ misfortune is almost the joy that comes through playing Russian roulette. If someone else fails, then in some way the bullet is not in the chamber for us. Our very fragile sense of self is protected even though we know that our own misfortune is imminent.

NB: Some content may not be suitable for a young audience.